SweetWater Brewery

 In Blog

Beverly Booth, Casting for Recovery Georgia Program Coordinator, is talking about SweetWater Brewing Company and how they are supporting CfR on a local and national level during breast cancer awareness month.

Several of Casting for Recovery’s board members, staff, volunteers and past participants gathered at SweetWater Brewing Company in Atlanta on Tuesday, October 9, for a casual gathering and tour of the Brewery. Everyone met in the Reel Room for some delicious beer tasting and then went downstairs for a tour of the brewing facilities. Interesting fact that I took away from the tour: Each of their large vats of beer holds over 12,000 gallons of the good stuff in the making. You could drink 1 gallon of beer a day and not run out for over 34 years! That’s a lot of beer. And, that’s only 1 of their many different flavors.

SweetWater has partnered with Casting for Recovery during the month of October. They have turned their popular SweetWater Blue Ale cans pink and will be donating $1.00 to Casting for Recovery for every case sold of these specialty cans.  In addition, they will be hosting Casting for Recovery’s Georgia program every Sunday during the month of October, and will be donating $1.00 for every pint of ale they sell at the Brewery on those days to the Georgia program.

They have also created special “pink” items again this year and will be giving 15% of the proceeds from their sales to Casting for Recovery.   Check out the t-shirt with Casting for Recovery’s logo on the back; Purchase some of the ale glasses for your next party; Buy yourself and your dog a new pink bandana.  All items can be purchased at SweetWater’s Brewery in Atlanta or online. Shipping is free for the month of October on all purchases over $39.00.

We truly appreciate the support that SweetWater Brewing Company is giving to Casting for Recovery. Please show your support by purchasing SweetWater’s pink products…and remember, please drink responsibly.

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