Keep Fish Wet:
A Commitment to Conservation

What Does Keep Fish Wet Mean?

Keep Fish Wet is an organization that emphasizes the importance of handling fish with care to ensure their survival and well-being. This practice involves minimizing the time fish spend out of the water and using techniques that reduce stress and injury. When fish are removed from their aquatic environment, they can suffer from oxygen deprivation, physical damage, and increased vulnerability to predators. By keeping fish wet, we help preserve their health and support the sustainability of our aquatic ecosystems.

Principles of Keep Fish Wet

Minimize air Exposure

You can reduce negative impacts by keeping a fish’s mouth and gills fully submerged in water as much as possible.

Eliminate Contact with Dry Surfaces

Keeping fish in or over the water, and holding them with clean, wet hands or a soft rubber net will help keep their slime layer and scales intact and the fish disease free.

Reduce Handling Time

Retreats incorporate fly fishing instruction, wellness and emotional support, ending with a half day of guided catch-and-release fly fishing.

Watch Keep Fish Wet Principles in Action

Conservation is part of our Mission

At Casting for Recovery, we are committed to instilling a sense of stewardship and respect for our natural resources in all our participants. By incorporating the Keep Fish Wet principles into our retreat curriculum, we are not only teaching the therapeutic benefits of fly fishing but also empowering 800 women each year to become mindful stewards of our waterways.

Keep Fish Wet tool kits are an integral part of our retreats, providing hands-on education on proper fish handling techniques and conservation practices. This approach ensures that every participant leaves with a deeper understanding of environmental responsibility and a passion for preserving the sport they have come to love.

For more insights into the importance of conservation and proper fish handling, check out our fun Q&A with Sascha Clark Danylchuk, the Executive Director of Keep Fish Wet. Sascha shares valuable tips and experiences that underscore the significance of these practices in preserving our aquatic environments.

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