Enrico Puglisi Fly Tying Membership Supporting CfR

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Casting for Recovery is excited to partner with Enrico Puglisi Flies! Enrico is dedicated to bringing the best flies, fly tying materials, and fly tying accessories to the fly fishing world. Only the highest quality materials are used in our flies and extensive testing in saltwater and freshwater fly fishing realm.

Want to learn how to tie Enrico’s fly patterns?

Join their members-only group and you’ll be able to view over 100 in-depth instructional videos including the Peanut Butter®, Floating Minnow, Crabs and many more! Membership is a $24.95 per year donation to Casting for Recovery — 100% of your donation goes to support CfR, EP Flies is not keeping a penny – no admin fees, no collection fees or video production costs.

If you are interested in fly tying this is a great opportunity to learn from the best and give back to CfR at the same time, a win-win! 

Join this members-only group HERE.

We are beyond grateful to your Enrico and his team, thank you! Happy tying friends!

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