Thank You Orvis!

 In Blog

This week we’re paying homage to friend and National Sponsor Orvis!

For a quarter of a century, Casting for Recovery (CfR) has been providing fly fishing retreats to empower women with breast cancer. CfR started with a small group of diverse, talented volunteers and one retreat. The idea was simple; provide women with the opportunity to escape all that a breast cancer diagnosis brings by giving them a safe space to connect with each other and nature. As the first sponsor, Orvis has been an integral partner to Casting for Recovery since the beginning. That support has consistently continued to make a meaningful difference in the lives of women with breast cancer for the last 25 years! Based on needs of the organization, Orvis has provided product support with waders, boots, rods and reels… they have also made a significant financial contribution. With the help of Orvis, CfR has served more than 10,000 women! 

With Orvis as a champion, the organization continues to innovate to better serve the diverse community of women with breast cancer. CfR now provides specific programming for women with Stage IV metastatic (advanced) cancer as well as a Southeast Regional Retreat for women of color living in the Mississippi Delta. In addition, CfR has provided retreats for military women, low-income women, young women under 40, Native American women, and other groups disproportionately affected by breast cancer. Breast cancer does not discriminate, offering inclusive programming is essential to the mission of CfR and the focus of the Orvis sponsorship. This year with COVID-19 safety protocols in place, 40 + retreats will take place nationwide, including a specialty retreat for health care workers with breast cancer. 

This year, for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Orvis released 50 Limited-Edition Mirage LT II Fly Reels. Thanks to you, they sold out at a record speed, resulting in an approximate $19,000 donation to Casting for Recovery! 

Through Orvis, you can still help make a difference by making a donation to Casting for Recovery. A special thanks to you, Orvis, you’ve believed in our mission and have supported CfR since the very first cast!

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