From the Riffle – Peg Miskin
This month, we are excited to feature another From the Riffle submission. Each month, Casting for Recovery will feature a guest blogger that will share information on who they are, their “home waters” where they fish, how they are connected to CfR and where they would like to see the organization in the next 25 years. Many of you know Peg Miskin, Casting for Recovery’s former National Program Director and currently our Event Coordinator for CfR’s signature Cast One for Hope event. Peg discusses her “home waters” and how much CfR means to her.
My home water is the Bitterroot River here in Montana. My favorite section to float is the West Fork of the Bitterroot, with its stunning rock walls and formations. During the salmon fly season, it’s epic! My go to wade stream is also the West Fork but I love the East Fork of the Bitterroot. A smaller stream with beautiful pools and riffles where I wade solo many times and find peace and solace.
Currently I coordinate CfR’s signature national fundraiser the Cast One for Hope, now in its ninth year. In 2004, I began as a Program Coordinator in Northern California launching that program and running two retreats for 7 years. Next came my time with the national office as CfR’s National Program Director for 6 years, overseeing the program department and where in addition to other responsibilities, I launched the Cast One for Hope here in Hamilton, MT.
Casting for Recovery has allowed me to take something I love, fly fishing, and do something positive and rewarding with it. That is what attracted me to CfR in the first place. When I lived in Northern California I owned a gift shop and watched many of my customers go through breast cancer. I wanted to do something that truly mattered to help them and CfR eventually gave me that opportunity. I believe CfR provides the women I’ve been humbled to be with over the years, the chance to breathe and find themselves in a new light. Learning there is life beyond cancer.
I would love to know that CfR is continuing to provide retreats, able to serve more women in new and innovative ways. Still solid in its mission and supporting the boots on the ground volunteers whose loyalty and energy make it all happen.