Mend Together

 In Blog

This week, we’d like to introduce Mend Together. When it comes to cancer, it’s hard to know how to answer “How can I help.” Friends and family want to pitch in, but don’t know where to start. Make it easy for them — and less uncomfortable for you — by using Mend Together’s free site to share where support is needed.

Mend Together was founded by Lisa Lefebvre, who knows first-hand how difficult it is to ask for and organize support. Mend Together is her personal endeavor to take what she learned during 12 cancer-related events and help others benefit from desperately needed social support. Headquartered in New York City, the Mend Together team works with individuals, cancer organizations, hospitals, and Fortune 500 companies to take the mystery out of what to say, do, and give during a hardship.

Mend Together makes cancer less lonely.

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