Q & A – Susan Gaetz

 In Blog

This week we asked National Program Director, Susan Gaetz, questions that relate to her position here at Casting for Recovery. Learn more about Susan, how she discovered CfR and what she loves most about her job.

How did you come to work at CfR and how long have you been on staff?

I began volunteering for CfR in 1999, primarily as a retreat photographer. I was drawn to CfR’s straightforward mission and grassroots approach. In 2005, I decided to make a larger commitment and helped launch a CfR program in Texas. It was around this time that I began pestering the national office to hire me. Eventually they did and I came on board as a Regional Program Manager in 2010.

What is your current role at CfR and describe your main responsibilities?

National Program Director. I lead program development and expansion, and oversee all program strategy at CfR.  Along with my Program Department cohorts, I support teams in program and retreat planning, budgets, grants, fundraising, volunteer management and training.  

What’s a typical day like at CfR for you?

It’s a lot of communication! As a remote employee with a home office, I spend a lot of time on email, on the phone or in video meetings. In between, I’m hammering away at a running to-do list related to programming, strategy and volunteer needs.

What do you love about your job? Why is that a good fit for you?

It’s meaningful and fulfilling every day, and I like being a part of something greater than myself.

Have you ever attended a retreat and if so, in what capacity?

YES! Lots of them! I typically serve as retreat leader or co-retreat leader, and I really enjoy supporting new retreat leaders at their inaugural retreats.  A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to be a river helper for a participant and loved it. I was more nervous as a river helper than I am as a retreat leader!

One thing you’d like the world to know about CfR that they may not already know?

Attending a CfR retreat can change a woman’s life!  I’ve seen it and believe it. 

Encouraging words for a breast cancer survivor?

I am not a cancer survivor, so I can only speak from observation. Through CfR, I’ve met hundreds of women who have gone through breast cancer treatment, often in addition to other significant life struggles. These women are strong and resilient, but they often don’t recognize those qualities in themselves.  So I would say: “You are stronger than you think.”

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