Ways to Give

Casting for Recovery provides empowering outdoor experiences for women with breast cancer.

Our families, friendships and communities were built on the shoulders of strong women. The effects of a breast cancer diagnosis impact us all and last a lifetime.

Planned Giving

Planned giving allows Casting for Recovery supporters to provide a future gift and leave a legacy of hope and healing. To learn more please

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Grocery Rewards

Earn a donation for CfR every time you shop for groceries! Get a Rewards Card and link it to Casting for Recovery via the Fred Meyer, Kroger or Smith’s Community Reward websites.

Donate Stock

Many Casting for Recovery Supporters find that a stock donation makes more sense. Interested in making a gift of appreciated securities?

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Donor Advised Funds

Donate directly from your donor-advised fund with no download or transaction fees!

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Vehicle Donation Program

Donating your car, truck, van, SUV, boat, motorcycle, ATV, RV, trailer or airplane has never been easier! Donate your vehicle to CfR through the CARS.

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To Fish is to Hope

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